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How do you care for an orchid at home?

Dec 21, 2022 / By Florally NYC / in General

Orchids, the most elegant flower Orchids are plants of tropical origin, belonging to the family of monocotyledonous plants, which are distinguished by the complexity of their flowers and for being key elements in pollination.

These are characterized by their flower with three sepals: two petals and a lobe, where the pollinating insect perches. In addition, the color of its petals, which ranges from white to violet, is related to elegance and purity. Although there are more than 30,000 species of orchids, one of the most common is the Phalaenopsis, thanks to its ease of care and its flowering of several months.

How do you care for an orchid at home? Although orchids are easy to care for, it is important to take some basic care so that they grow healthy and flourish each season. Next, we share the most common care. lighting and temperature Lighting is key to orchid care, since it directly affects its leaves.

The ideal is to place them in spaces where they receive indirect light, which is reflected in healthy and shiny leaves. It is important that they remain in an environment with a temperature between 15ºC and 30ºC, due to their tropical origin. Irrigation Irrigation is another of the keys to caring for orchids, since, although it is a plant of tropical origin, excess water can damage them.


For this reason, it is recommended to water it once every seven or ten days, since excessive humidification can favor the growth of fungi or cause the roots to rot. Spray In the case of the leaves, it is not recommended to spray them, but just add a few drops of water and dry them immediately with a clean cloth so that their center does not absorb moisture.

✨compost and fertilizer The most recommended with orchids is to use a liquid fertilizer with a good concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron, since these elements help the plant to grow correctly. As for the fertilizer, you can place a small amount at the time of transplanting the orchid, since this helps protect them from pests such as aphids, mites or mealybugs.